Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Two runs in Paris

This will be a photo post for the most part. I just imported my Garmin workouts from the last few weeks and these two from Paris popped up, making me smile. One is a wacky loop around our neighborhood in Montmartre (I just used the force to find my way) and the other is on the trails of the large, serene Bois de Boulogne.

Montmartre loop including the many hills around Sacre Coeur and even a large staircase. A shot, but hilly 4 miles. The cobblestone streets and narrow sidewalks kept things interesting.

The park run that was supposed to be 4-5 miles but ended up as 7 because I just followed the trail markings and never saw the turnoff to do the shorter loop. Oh well, it was great. 

The quiet trails were sprinkled with runners and lots of dog walkers. 


  1. "The Force" is capitalized.

    Love, your nerdy husband.

  2. How delightful! One of my favorite things about being a runner is getting to explore new cities I visit on vacation or otherwise by foot. You get such a nice feel for a place when you run through it!
