Monday, December 20, 2010

I know it's the first day of winter but...

I really love this photo that I took in early November and I am not yet ready to embrace winter. The new blog header photo will stay up until we get our first big snow of the season. I have some great photos from last winter, but I am also looking forward to snapping a few shots with our new camera this year. Damn George, you're a beauty.


  1. George is what my ex-girlfriend named her period

  2. Re: above comment: whoa. TMI. I was just going to say I can see the GW from my apartment, waaaaayyyyy across the Bronx on the other side. When I pass it I'm always amazed at what a massive structure it really is. This shot really brings that out.

  3. Agreed, waaay TMI. I feel the same about the Whitestone Bridge that I can see from my apt. It looks so tiny from here! Thanks for the comment and the blog traffic. :)

  4. Beautiful shot and with the people there it reminds me of the iconic shot of the Golden Gate Bridge for "Vertigo."
