Monday, July 6, 2009

Donuts in the 'hood?!

Could it be?? The long awaited opening of the Twin Donut Plus in Inwood on 218th and Broadway, which has been teasing me for years has finally opened its doors and its patio!! There was chatter last week about the "now hiring" sign in the window at The Streets Where We Live and BAM! today it opened its doors! I ran by tonight on my way up to Van Cortlandt Park for a speed workout. Too bad I didn't pass it on my way home....yum! It looked like the place was pretty busy considering its quiet opening. There were people out on the little fenced off patio area chatting and drinking coffee and nibbling on goodies.
I'm excited to try it out and give a review ASAP. The neon sign glows "OPEN 24 HRS" which is intriguing and tempting. Perhaps I'll make a morning run up that way and end with a delicious treat before hopping the train down a few stops to home. I've run with a number of things in my bag, but not a donut and/or coffee!
So it's official- Twin Donuts Plus is open for business! Review coming soon!

*Photo taken from the official, but not entirely functioning website of Twin Donut.

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